Club Events 2007 : 2007-04-01 : COC and TOC April Fool's Events, and CCC - Yodelfest in Airdrie

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Trip Log

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COC - Snorkeling in Canada's Coral Reefs

Pre-Event Comments:
- We may need extra weights for this.
- Can we dive in instead???? With gear of course...
- I am practising in the BVI, right now saw a ray and a sea turtle on the weekend - wonder what to expect when I get home?
- Anybody got some water wings I can borrow??
- This will be my first time snorkeling Canada's coral reefs. Do I need any special equipment?
- This would be scary! 500 NAKED people in a snowbank!!!
- The Cambrian reefs are well worth snorkeling in.
- Who signed me up for this???
- It shrinks in the cold.. remember that!
- Definitely a beginner ;)
- Too funny, better not forget the sunscreen!
- Prefer back or side stroke!
- I love it! I can't wait to not do this!
- Will bring cat to control any fish.
- Snorkels are for the weak, I'll be sporting scuba tanks to dive the vast, deep wonders of the great northern coral! Is a bathing cap ok? Oh ya, hey Rhonda is a cheque cool?
- There may be shrinkage!!
- Mr. Swan will arrive Naked, as befits my COC nickname...
- Oh la la... is this the Canadian version of the Mardi Gras?!
- I think I "might" be in over my head on this one!!! 'o)
- Will wear bikini bottoms...if permitted...*giggle*
- Wow, a chance to be frost-bitten, windburnt, sunburnt, & embarrassed all in one event!
- Should I bring my dive knife? How 'bout scissors and a pair of dykes. (Dykes is short for diagonal cutters. See, those fancy scissors don't do a quick enough job on big fish-hooks, for my satisfaction.)
- I hope this will count as an "attended event" to help keep my membership current.
- Man, this is just my kind of dive trip! I wonder what kinds of fish we'll see;)
- Remember... a hairy butt is a scary butt!

Pets in attendance:
- Rocky from Toronto - he loves snorkelling!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oz kitty
- Archie-Farchie, my kitty who loves snorkelling
- No dogs, but will bring a few rats.
- Shasta from Atlanta
- No dog, monkeys okay?
- 3 Baskerville Hounds
- Mayah - looking forward to her fave kind of swim
- Almost a dog: a cat who hates snow!
- Rowdy - Yellow Lab (stuffed)

Apres-Event Comments:
- For next year's event could we PLEASE partner up with tanning salon and/or beauty spa? That is, I found it hard to snorkel as I was either blinded by glaringly white bodies or choking on untamed body hair.
- Thanks Rhonda for exposing me to the wonders of Canada's Coral Reefs. I never knew this even existed?! Wow! That was an exhilarating experience. I have attached a photo, which I captured when I surfaced to the top of the snow. To my surprise... the glorious Canadian reefs are real! Definitely worth a million, and thanks for allowing me to make installments.
- It left me with an amazing feeling of vuja d�, the feeling that I had never been there before. Or was it that I had just never been there???
- I had a blast! What an event;) One more for the Log Book! Photo album from Dick Jetson of Atlanta, who believes there's no such thing as being too prepared (I've added a small sample of Dick's photos to our album): Dick's Album
- Basics of Rolling Naked in the Snow
- Nude Hiking
- Get Naked for Peace

When they got tired of snorkeling, some attendees indulged in some underwater hockey:
TOC - Win A Date With El Rey

Event Coordinator(s): Jennifer M, Stephanie A
Participants: JennP, Rhonda from Calgary, PeggyWitt, Jennifer M, Matt E, Katherine, CalgaryJorinda, Wendy, Rose, kim, Marty S, Fluffy, Jason M

The silence is deafening - no really, it's just really quiet - as the TOC member body waits with bated breath to find out the winner of The Date with El Rey....But first an update, since I actually got to spend yesterday with the eligible desperate man himself, I can assure you that he's 100% committed to this event. Unfortunately inanimate objects were not eligible since those of us "in the know" (anyone who's been on an camping trip with El Rey) will know that he loves his AXE.

It was a tough decision...there were so many great candidates. Special mention goes to Matt, who was really just looking to use El Rey for his truck...can we call Matt a "truck slut" now? A second special mention goes to Kim, who had the best "Notes" response:

Notes: That he is Easy

How did she KNOW? It must have been the fact that he ISN'T WEARING PANTS.

We had two winners, but we want you to know that you are all winners for actually considering going on a date with El Rey and some of you even KNOW him and still agreed to go on a date. Since the dates went national (well, it got leaked to the Calgary Outdoor Club) we had to set him up with a special date to be held when he's out west this summer...the winner of the Calgary contingent is......
Marty entered a completely inside joke between me and him that had to do with hunting bears and using the bear fat to make lovely soap, but really Marty and El Rey are a match made in heaven. I hope Rhonda doesn't mind and I'm sure she can tag along for their date...

However the moment you've all been waiting for: The Toronto Winner is:
our very own JENN M

Hey, she coordinated the event, so she got to pick the winner...and really, was that a sigh of relief I heard from the rest of you? Actually, she also wins for going on a limb and changing her medical concerns to "Syphillis" not realizing that changing it on one event will change your medical status throughout the whole website, giving Julian quite the shocking insight when he pulled up her medical record for Saturday's hike.

Thanks everyone for playing and El Rey will be sure to give you a special thank you when you attend his next event - or when he gets out to Calgary this weekend...

Just when we thought we had a clear winner and happy contestants, the TOC exec has received the following missive!

Dear Coordinators of the "Win A Date With El Rey" event:
Please be advised that I will be launching a civil suit against the TOC due to the obviously rigged outcome of this contest.
In good faith I entered your contest, and I do believe that I was the best candidate to win your contest, being not only female (which, under certain laws of certain gods is the only legal union when the partner is a male) but also 1/8 sasquatch. You made a very forward thinking move in inviting sasquatches to participate in your contest, but I believe that was just a ruse designed to make you LOOK inclusive when in fact, there was no contest at all, and no opportunity for someone of the sasquatch race to win. This was a blatant grab at a date with El Rey for one of the actual event coordinators herself!
Expect to hear from my lawyer, and if I don't get satisfaction through legal means, I know where you live and will come to Toronto personally to take my own justice in the ancient Sasquatch way (ie. I will poo on your front step).

Sincerely, Rhonda from Calgary

It seems that we may have a fight on our hands. I'm sure we can resolve this in a far and reasonable way...suggestions welcome!
CCC - Yodelfest in Airdrie

Miriam and the Mountaineers and Friends at the Bert Church Theatre in Airdrie. We're sorry that's all we know about the show... but COME ON... it's YODELING!!! Sure to be a great time - come on out!

We have already purchased our tickets for this event, but if you still want to come along, you can get your own ticket. If you do that, just add yourself to the waiting list and let Rhonda know you have a ticket and she will add you to the event.

Today was an experience like nothing else. There were performances in western (Miriam Dreher/Coulter and 14-year-old Jessica St. Dennis) and Swiss (Wildrose Yodel Club) styles of yodeling. The Swiss style was a lot slower-paced and harmony-based - very different from the western style that we're used to. Who knew!!?? They were really great. It was very cool to have Niel Gow play a few pieces on his alphorn (in full costume to boot!). I especially enjoyed the accordian-playing style of Alex Schlanka, the special guest of yodeler Miriam Dreher/Coulter. He REALLY got into it... I swear if he had a whammy bar he would have used it!

Thanks to everyone who came out, especially David with his infectious enthusiasm (which, all of Calgary knows, was building for at least two months).

-- Rhonda
