Club Events 2007 : 2007-06-16 : COC - Upper Kananaskis Easy/Slow Hike

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Trip Log

Notes Actions
Herons: 1
Grizzlies: 1
Moose: 3 (including one repeat)
Sheep: 2
Hawks: 3
Deer: 2
Coyotes: 1
Very Large Porcupines: 1
Raindrops: 0

In full defiance of the forecast of rain, we headed out today for our easy hike at Upper K-Lake and enjoyed a pretty full day of hiking, noodling and exploring with nary a raindrop to be found. We started at Interlakes and headed clockwise. Stopped for lunch at the boat launch and then hiked to the big falls at Sarrail creek. At that point, seven of us turned back and Marko, Ann, Lina and Lisa continued to do the circuit. Hopefully they were able to make it all the way around - we stopped at the info center on the way back and the gal there told us that Hidden Creek may be impassable due to high water at this time.

My poor, poor Bridget bailed because she didn't want to hike in the rain and I can't wait to show her the photos and rub her nose in what she missed.

-- Rhonda

PS... Marty wanted me to mention that most of the wildlife sightings were from the car, not on the trail. Specifically the grizzly and mooses...
