Club Events 2007 : 2007-07-30 : COC - Elbow Lake Backpack and Rae Glacier Dayhike

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Michelle couldn't make it so at the last minute Phil took her place. Jenn found the fossil to beat all fossils. Elliott taught us all that we were just a bunch of hiking addicts who could find more balance in life by doing more ironing and watching some television. John didn't let anyone get a word in edgewise. Kevin burned down our picnic table with his archaic campstove and then came down with a cold on day 1 and was left to sleep at the camp site on day 2 as we day-hiked from Elbow Lake and then swung back to pick him up. Amanda spent four days in the backcountry only to cut her hand on the toilet paper dispenser at Moose McGuire's when we got back to town.

Anyway, we all had a great time (except, perhaps, for Kevin). The weather was great. The visitors had a fun time exploring the Rae Glacier crevasses and taking a few trips down the dregs of the glacier on the crazy carpets. The camp site and general area were a thing of beauty.

Thanks to everyone for coming out - a very memorable trip indeed!

-- Rhonda
