Club Events 2008 : 2008-07-17 : COC - Chester Lake, and Calgary Stampeders vs Hamilton Pussycats Football Game

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Chester Lake

I can't believe this was my first time up to Chester in the summer. I've gone up there a couple of times in the fall, and a bunch of times in the winter, but this was the first time in the summer. It is an amazingly beautiful place, and you can get there with really not that much effort. Thanks to Neva for taking the "slightly faster" group today while I did my usual "slightly slower" pace with a few others. Lots of exploring on the Elephant Rocks (only my second time there) and then back to town in plenty of time for Barry's football game event tonight! Shockingly, no one was interested in stopping in at the new casino to get drunk and lose the mortgage payments before we came home.

-- Rhonda
Calgary Stampeders vs Hamilton Pussycats Football Game
