Club Events 2010 : 2010-05-22 : COC - Highwood Pass (Hwy 40) from North Winter Gate

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I held out 'til the last minute for decent conditions, but this ride was not to be for today. Not at Highwood Pass, anyway. Ten of us decided to do an urban ride instead and did a little over 50km from Shouldice down to Inglewood, on to Carburn, west into town and up to the reservoir, then north into downtown and back to Shouldice. Then, true to her promise, Lori plied us with hamburgers at her place. It was a pretty great day in spite of not doing what we set out to do.

There are still a few chances left to get there this year. There was some confusion about when the winter gate opens, and turns out I was wrong... it does open on June 15th (not June 1st). Hope some of you can make it... I will have to wait 'til next year.

-- Rhonda
