Club Events 2010 : 2010-10-10 : COC - Uber-Slowpoke Beginner and Family Hike: Big Hill Springs Provincial Park

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Thanks everyone for a wonderful morning!

Six of us drove from the carpool location and arrived in plenty of time to meet up with the rest of our group. Included in the hike were a few four legged friends - Ginger, J.J. and, well, another Ginger. We had a tag along we called Bear who we found out later was actually named Moose. A local dog who likes to hike with folks was gathered by his owner at the end of the hike.

It was a coolish morning but not too cool for an easy morning hike. As close as this is to the city, I don't know why I've never been there before. The potential for all seasons is definitely there and I'm now curious as to what the scenery is like at other times. The trees were very bare at this time. Some of the group briefly explored the naturally occuring Tufa dam as well.

It was a short hike but very enjoyable. We were all back in our cars by 11:30 AM. By that time the parking lot was quite full so this is definitely a popular family destination.

Some of us weren't ready to go back to the city so we headed to Cochrane for a bit. The potential is definitely there to make this a combination in the future.

Happy trails folks!

Angela and Rhonda
