Club Events 2008 : 2008-03-14 : EOC - Urban Hike - Whitemud Park North

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This Friday afternoon hike is one that can only be described as a great time. Matching outfits, Boinking, and surprise guests. Whitemud Park is a nice escape from the city. There are plenty of trees and a creek. According to the Calgary folks they thought the trees would never stop and after a while claustrophobia set in and they could not wait to retreat the wide open spaces of the parking lot. Although it is winter every time I think of this event I hear “Boink”, “Boink”, “Boink” in my mind. Is that even how you spell boink??? According to spell checker no! We met Shelton on the way out and although against club policy to let a non-registered person on to an event we let him join anyway since he was good friends with Rhonda. On the last section of the return hike we had another friend of Rhonda visit us. Her name was Little Bridgette. All I know is Rhonda has many many friends. If you were not on this hike you can only imagine how interesting these people we met were. Thank you for coming out Calgary you are great fun. Mint Julip
