Club Events 2010 : 2010-05-26 : EOC - Lovely River Valley Cycle - McKinnon Ravine to Forrest Heights Park - Slow Pace (16km/hour max)

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Well yes, yes it was a Lovely River Valley Cycle.

Vadim had the time and meeting place mixed up, and took off like a rocket at 6:10 hoping to catch up with us on our journey... only problem was our journey didn't start 'til close to 7:00. By the time he called me, he was already at the Shaw Conference Center, turned around, and was almost back to the meeting spot before we trundled along to meet him. But meet him we did, and we had a fantastic evening.

We kept to the putt-putt pace and everyone seemed satisfied with that - we stayed together well and everyone climbed every hill (ok, two of them), without having to get off and *ahem* "cross train" (especially not Serge).

It was a perfect evening - warm-ish and clear-ish. The pathways reflected that - there must have been thousands of people on the trails tonight.

Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks to Brent for leading us on this lovely river valley cycle. It was fantastic!

-- Rhonda
