Club Events 2013 : 2013-01-05 : EOC - Lobstick River Snowshoe - Slow/Photographer Pace

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It was a really glorious day for snow shoeing. It was a very large group, but a lot more straight-forward than I feared. With help from Brent and Andrew, everything went very smoothly, and of course, how much can go wrong when people walk up the creek, and then people walk down the creek? Well, a few things went wrong... most notably, I tried again, unsuccessfully, to do away with Robin, as he broke through some thin ice and lost one of his snow shoes. I'm not quite sure how I'm responsible for that, since I wasn't really anywhere near when it happened, but I am definitely a bad-luck beacon for Robin. Hopefully he will still choose to do events with me.

Thanks, everyone, for coming out today. It was a most enjoyable trip!

-- Rhonda
