Club Events 2006 : 2006-04-02 : CCC - India Day Festival, and COC - Bowmont Park

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CCC - India Day Festival

India Day Multicultural show - Participating groups are Irish, Ukranian, Polish, Italian, African and various Indian groups.

This event is FREE

When something is free, I tend to keep my expectations pretty low, but I'm thrilled to say that this show in no way lived down to my expectations. It was absolutely amazing. It was over three hours long (wow), and the quality... of costumes, of dancing... everything - was just spectacular. The variety was astounding... it was a veritable cornucopia (in the words of one attendee) of Calgary's cultures.

Performances included:
- The Calgary Police Service Pipe Band and the Calgary Police Highland Dancers
- Calgary Highland Dancers - Sword Dance and Highland Fling
- Classical Indian dances by Kala Bhavan, Manjaree Kaura, Urvashi Kala Kendra, Punjabi Lok Manch, Seema Menon, Indra School of Dance
- First Nations performance - "Honouring our Ancestors" by Sandra Crazy Bull
- Chinese Lion Dance performed by Calgary Tai Chi & Martial Arts College
- Afro-Hatian dance Mezzammi by Valerie Dupre
- Gli Azzurri - Calgary Italian Folk Dancers
- Polanie Polish Dancers
- Tango Argentina

These photos in no way do the show any kind of justice, but they will at least give you a bit of an idea of what it was all about. I'm already looking forward to next year's event!!

Special thanks to Vinay from INCA (India Canada Association of Calgary) for teling me about this show and for giving us our tickets!

-- Rhonda
COC - Bowmont Park - East, NW

I was kind of worried that people missed the "daylight" saving time change. To my surprise, most showed up. To start we followed the bike path all the way to Silver Springs. It was just too easy for us. I pointed out the approximate location of the "waterfall" in Water Valley. We felt that it would be too muddy down in the Water Valley, so we turned back. On our way back, we split into 2 groups. I took the "energetic" group and walked up the hill. Rhonda took the leisure group and went back through the bike path. We had a great time.

Just an end note: When we got back to the parking lot, I decided to dust off my foldable 16 inch bike and bike down Home Road and have a couple of beer and lunch. It was great. Riding a bike downhill was easy. Riding the bike back uphill was hard.
