Club Events 2008 : 2008-04-30 : CCC - Chinese Spectacular

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Meet at the Jubilee by 7:30 p.m.; show starts at 8:00 p.m.

Seats will be in the centre section on the first balcony.

The Divine Performing Arts Spectacular is composed of performers who have been the main force behind NTDTV’s Holiday Wonders and Chinese New Year Spectacular shows since their inception. After the Chinese New Year Spectacular shows, the troupe will be touring global major cities to continue the Spectacular shows worldwide.

The Divine Performing Arts Spectacular is dedicated to exploring and rediscovering the essence of the true, traditional Chinese culture. Thus, it creates and performs pieces that center primarily on classical themes and divinely-inspired culture. It uses the expression of Chinese classical dance, showcasing genuine traditional Chinese culture with pure truthfulness, pure compassion, and pure beauty, devoid of any elements of the Communist Party culture.
