Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-06-23 : Frankfurt

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Notes Actions
General Info Boxes in Frankfurt Reddit rando says Stadler (large store) always has boxes $0.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Bed and Breakfast Mörfelden-Walldorf - END AirBnB Mörfelden-Walldorf $391.00 2/3 of the first two nights, and full amount of third night.

Trip Log

Notes Actions
We had little rain over night, and got up today to lovely weather. Lambert is taking out his anger elsewhere in Germany… in fact, elsewhere in Hessen state (Kassel). We’re fortunate that we didn’t get what they got while we were in our tents - huge hailstones, flooding and fallen trees. :(

When we were in Luxembourg, I got a weird bug bite. It started off as just a black dot but then, as the days went on, started to swell and get red. Brent is worried about infection, so he opened a claim ticket with our insurance today and shipped me off to a walk-in clinic. The doctor put some special brown goo and a bandaid on it and told me not to worry - it’ll be gone by Sunday. Brent had also speculated that the black dot was a bug’s head. Thankfully the doctor debunked that theory.

We got into our Airbnb early - about 13:15 (instead of 15:00) and our host, Aurora was so excited to see us again and hear about our trip. She’s so great.

While we were waiting for me to see a doctor (I was told to go away and come back at 11:00), we visited a couple of bike stores and managed to find Laura a box that is a more appropriate size for her enormous bike. Yay!

This evening, Brent and Laura are putting bikes into boxes. I’m being very helpful by staying out of the way. But I am very pleased that Laura is using the picture guide that I made for how to disassemble my bike.
