Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-05-28 : Bad Krozingen - Whit Sunday (FR, DE)

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle Bad Krozingen side trip $0.00 42.00 42.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Camp Campingplatz am Möslepark Freiburg $150.00 Cost for three nights

Trip Log

Notes Actions
All tours have a beginning, a middle, and an end. At the start of our tour, Brent and I took a few days to adjust to the time change and get used to riding - loaded and unloaded.

Now that Laura is here, there is a second beginning as she goes through the adjustments that we did.

We did an unloaded practice ride, 42km, to Bad Krozingen. No crazy elevation. We saw some vineyards and some pleasant but unremarkable towns. Laura’s bike needed a little more tweaking but Laura seems to be doing great. I’m envious of her ability to adjust the o the time change.
Laura was wondering why her luggage was so heavy. Then she discovered she accidentally brought her enormous U-Lock along accidentally. Oops. Hahahahaha!!

After we had dinner we went for a walk to a small pond near the campingplatz. There is a frog protection area nearby and we saw a zillion tadpoles in the pond. In the photo, every black dot is a tadpole! How cool!!
