Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-05-25 : Arrive Freiburg

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Notes Actions
General Info Cycle excursions recommended by Bärbel Kaiserstuhl one day and Titisee and Black Forest the other day, part by train $0.00
Reminder Contact Robert Suggest a place to meet $0.00
Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle To Freiburg $0.00 30.00 30.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Camp Camping Hirzberg $45.00

Trip Log

Notes Actions
It’s a long weekend in Germany coming up. We’ve never had trouble finding camping on a long weekend before……

So we showed up at Camping Hirzberg today and they only have one pitch and only for two nights. Problem is, Laura is set to arrive here on Saturday so we need three nights, and for the last one, we need for an extra person and tent. Eek!

We set up at Hirzberg but they were closing down for midday so they said we could set up then but come back later to pay. That worked out well because we thought we might take two nights, but ended up booking just the one.

I googled all of the nearby campgrounds - there are a lot in the vicinity of Freiburg, and set about figuring out where we were going to go. I found one campground really near to Hirzberg, Campingplatz am Möslepark, and Brent and I walked over there. They have a zeltplatz, so right away we thought it would probably work out. We made a reservation for us for the next THREE nights (why take chances on a long weekend of being locked out of a place to stay on the Sunday), and for Laura for two nights.

On to the next problem. Laura was planning on staying at the campground at Mannheim Strand, buuuut… you guessed it. Long weekend. It is full. We are trying to sort out a solution as we speak. She flies out tomorrow!!
In between trying to sort out our camping SNAFU, we went into Freiburg Altstadt for a look around.

It is a very nice city, with a large and interesting Altstadt. We enjoyed learning the history of the two remaining towers (built in the 13th century). It is a very bicycle-friendly city as well. The only problem is…. Holy smokes the people!! Zillions of bicycles whooshing past. Pedestrians EVERYWHERE. And cars winding their way through it all. Maybe it’s not as bad when there isn’t a long weekend coming up but I think it’s probably pretty normal for the city to be really chaotic.
