Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-04-19 : Strasbourg via Goldscheuer

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle To Strasbourg via Goldscheuer $0.00 37.00 37.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Camp Camping de Strasbourg Strasbourg $37.00

Trip Log

Notes Actions
The new sleeping pads that I bought last fall came with a slow leak. Dang.

Although it’s not the end of the world for me to wake up every couple hours to pump it back up, it’s definitely not ideal. I can’t spend ten weeks doing that.

Brent tried to find the leak, but without being able to hold it under water the leak is not revealing itself. I may have to just buy a new pad in Strasbourg…
For reasons of weather and gear malfunction (my leaky sleeping pad) we decided to head straight to Strasbourg instead of heading north to Achernsee. And when I say ‘straight’ to Strasbourg, I mean via Goldscheuer because Brent requested a ride of approx 30km instead of the direct route of 20km. Going direct would have meant going through Kehl, and providing lots of joke fodder about going to Kehl in a Kampbasket. Ah well. You win some you lose some.

The first town along the way was Willstätt and it was a particularly charming town so we both took copious photos. The first six photos in this post are all from Willstätt. Then there’s one from Eschau France, and one from along the EV15 canal. The last add-on one shows a complete outfit of warm clothing that I’ve never brought to Europe before… and I’m happy to have all of it!

We’re in France earlier than expected much to the dismay of our brains which were just getting used to German. Ah well… c’est pas grave!
