Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-04-27 : Saarbrücken

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle To Saarbrücken $0.00 51.00 51.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Hotel City-Hotel Kaiserhof Saarbrücken $212.41 Cost is for two nights. Bikes went in the cellar. Check out at 9am on Saturday to get bikes.

Trip Log

Notes Actions
It was cold camping again last night but no rain at all and we had a great breakfast at the campingplatz. It was a beautiful day for riding, but another day of following a canal, which isn’t very interesting.

At Herbitzheim we were stopped by a poorly-signed path closure. The info tried to provide detour instructions but they were woefully inadequate, as were the ‘deviation’ signs. It was to the rescue and I was able to sketch out a custom detour that added, at most, one kilometer of riding. It took us through Weidesheim, and then we rejoined the canal, and the EV5, at Wittring.

We are now back in Germany, and I am happy about it. My German is not great, but it is stronger than my French. Plus, we’re happy to be back in a place where restaurants open before 7pm!

We did an adhoc laundry in the shower and are going to have beer and snacks in the room tonight. Tomorrow we’ll be having a rain day, and hopefully send the broken sleeping pad back to Canada.
