Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-05-12 : Biebesheim

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle To Biebesheim $0.00 61.00 61.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Camp Campinggemeinschaft Rheinblick Biebesheim $17.00

Trip Log

Notes Actions
It was a wet morning and we had a fast, miserable start. No bakery or coffee and no sheltered place to sit, so Brent tilted a tall table to remove some of the rain and we had snacks out of the cooler box before starting out.

Along the way we were looking for a bakery. The one my mapping program said would be in the next town was permanently closed so we were aimlessly searching when Brent suddenly said he smelled a bakery. Yeah right, I thought. Well, off he went around the corner and lo… a bakery. I will never doubt Brent’s bakery-sniffing skills again.

We’re riding our Montague folding bikes on this tour. It’s our second tour with them. On our first tour with them, we had endless flats. We replaced the tires after the tour and Brent figured that would fix the problem with so many flats. I’m very pleased to report that Brent was right. So far we haven’t had a single flat.

The day was cloudy, and sometimes windy, but there was hardly any rain at all. This section of the Rhein, south of the Rhein Gorge, is km after km of… boring. I was thrilled to repeat the Rhein Gorge. Less thrilled to be repeating this section. I think we’ll leave the Rhein tomorrow and start angling directly towards Heidelberg.

We got to the campground at Biebesheim, and in spite of a dicey start (the whole place was locked and the attendant nowhere to be found), it has turned out great. Super-affordable, a covered shelter, a really lovely green zeltplatz, and even an assigned indoor outlet for us to use.
