Europe 2023 from Frankfurt : 2023-06-11 : Villegusien-le-Lac

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle To Villegusien-le-Lac $0.00 64.00 64.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Camp Camping du Lac Villegusien-le-Lac $21.00

Trip Log

Notes Actions
Today was not my best day.

Yesterday afternoon I had a strange sinus event followed by a headache, just on the right side of my head. I have atypical migraines, so I don’t know… maybe it was one of them??

I woke up this morning feeling mostly better but really wiped out. I was glad that our 54km ride was along a canal. Although we’d be climbing all day, it would be a gently grade.

Riding felt just really hard today. I don’t know how else to describe it… I just really struggled, especially with any kind of noticeable climb. Laura and Brent were very patient with me.

When we were about 40km in, some thunderstorm clouds showed up and started threatening. The forecast said we would get some heavy rain right away. We kept our snack break short and started high-tailing it to Dommarien, where we were planning to stay. Thankfully the rain did not come. We arrived in Dommarien, annnnnd… for the fourth time in two weeks - no campground. This one was permanently closed. Brent took a spin around town to see if we were missing something, while Laura and I used our technology to discover that the Dommarien campingplatz is permanently closed.

I was exhausted, and not keen for more riding, especially since the thunderheads looked really close. I found a hotel through up ahead at Villegusien-le-Lac, about 6km up ahead, but then we noticed that there is also a campingplatz there. In spite of the threatening clouds, we decided to head to the campingplatz. It was a bit further than town.

We got to the campingplatz around 15:30, and the office was closed until 16:30 but we were happy to see that you could choose your own pitch, set up, and come back to register after they opened. With Not-So-Accu-Weather saying rain in nine minutes, we set up in record time. It is 17:00 now and we’re sitting at the campground pub having a beer. Still no rain and the sky looks much friendlier.

The campingplatz is really nice with a sparkling Sanitary building. I was amused by their washer and dryer with huge chains and locks on them.
