Our friends from Manchester, Nick and Cathy, who we keep meeting at campgrounds, told us about staying at Olivet. It’s quite a bit off the Loire a Velo track and wasn’t on my radar but they said that you can take a tram from there into Orleans. We decided to go for it, and using a combination of Brent and Laura’s navigation brains, our paper maps and Maps.me, we cross-countried our way down. It’s a wonderful campground and I think the proprietor gave us the best site available down a hedgerow corridor to a private spot beside the canal. The train is easily accessible, and there’s a quick easy hop over to a pathway that takes us directly back up to the Loire a Velo when it’s time to leave!
After setting up, Laura, Ann, Brent and I took the team into Orleans and had lunch and a look around. Yay! I’m so excited to see Place du Martroi again! Geoff and Lynn aren’t feelin’ the rhythm of our travel so they’re off on their own most of the time, making their own fun.