Club Events 2002/2003 : 2003-07-15 : COC - Upper Kananaskis Lake

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Trip Log

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Event Coordinator(s): Rhonda S
Participants: Mandy, Lana Tanney, Holly P, June Mackenzie, Rhonda S, Tina Praught, Dana Winkler

Well, great turn out COC. Seven of us tackled Upper Kananaskis Lake on Tuesday. Great to see new people!

The hike is around the upper lake and is 16.5km in length.

After 5 km lunch was necessary and Dana had a well-packed lunch and he was keen to eat it.

The trail itself was extremely friendly during the first half. We identified many new flowers and made friends with one little "monkey" (aka squirrel). After a few hours the hike took us through jungle-like conditions, deep forest, avalanch tracks and beach-like conditions. The fly dope came out quickly.

We then took a beautiful break by the water and were thoroughly entertained to tears by some local chap with a bear hat on.

This trail lead us past a few sets of falls and some beautiful rapids. SUDDENLY TO DISCOVER WE WENT INTO COUGAR TERRAIN... Our frolic around the lake suddenly turned to extreme rock climbing.

Low on water, low on positive comments, huffing and puffing along we finally found the car again and triumph was felt by all.

-- Tina

Note for future reference... do this hike COUNTER CLOCKWISE
