Club Events 2002/2003 : 2003-08-24 : COC - Canoeing at Chestermere Lake

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Trip Log

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Event Coordinator(s): Lora Risk, Rhonda S
Participants: Jennifer Martin, Duncan C, brandee bates, Farideh Jalilehvand, Lora Risk, Rhonda S

Nobody fell in.

What kind of introduction is that, you say? Well, I know you're just going to skim down through the write-up to look for the part where someone fell in, but no one fell in, so I'm saving you the trouble.

Canoeing on Chestermere Lake today was perfectly lovely. We started on the north end, circled that, then went under the highway and paddled around in the south end for a while. We never did get the food boat or the beer boat come out to service us, though, which disappointed Duncan and Graeme to no end. We even had the lake practically to ourselves, in spite of the fact that the weather was pretty much perfect - warm, but not scorching, with a beautiful clear sky.

So, the true adventure from today's trip lay not in the canoeing, but in the equipment. We met at the U of C Outdoor Program Center, where we were given all of our equipment, but alas, between the 8 of us, we had no real knowledge as to how to tie canoes to cars, and the rental guy "wasn't allowed" to help... it's a "liability thing", you know. Additionally, none of us really had cars suited for carrying a canoe, and none of us had a trailer hitch to use a trailer instead. Duncan and Brandee had the best canoe car. Graeme's Dad's truck with the topper on it, believe it or not, was second best. MY car... yes, the 1990 Ford Festiva, was quite respectable itself, and the most troublesome was Anne's car. With its sloped roof, the foamy things that the canoe sat on kept sliding around and falling out. If the U of C had had foam blocks to go around like they'd promised us, we probably would have had a much easier time of it.

As it was, loading up the canoes was quite harrowing and took about an hour. Then, it was driving from the U of C all the way out to Chestermere, with our precariously perched canoes. Miraculously, we, and our equipment, made it out without too many problems. Then, the relaxing paddle around the lake. Upon our return, loading the canoes back up was more like a 15-minute job since we are now all experts in precariously attaching canoes to our vehicles. The drive back in was a bit sketchy because the traffic was heavier, but we all made it back in, in spite of the irreconcilable differences between Anne's roof and the foamy things. Even the U of C guy seemed surprised that he got all of his equipment back, and all of our people and vehicles seem to have returned unscathed. He probably thinks we spent the day hiding around the corner in shame, and just pretended for his benefit that we actually made it to Chestermere and back with our ragtag convoy.

Of course, after all that ordeal, we had to reward ourselves with a snack and a drink at Moose Maguire's.

The whole day, actually, was quite enjoyable - a great time, and a great bunch of people (who didn't even try seriously to make good on their threats of murdering me).
