Club Events 2002/2003 : 2003-11-15 : COC - Edworthy Park

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Event Coordinator(s): Rhonda S
Participants: Lana T, Melanie Parker, Betty Hasenfratz, Dave B, Rhonda S

The weather was beautiful today - it was a wonderful day to be out!

Edworthy Park was a bit disappointing, with icy/steep places that we weren't able to do. We then went over and did Douglas Fir Trail, which was wayyyy too icy - the stairs throughout were quite treacherous, and most of us clung for dear life to the hand rails, with 'yours truly' resorting to the combination crab walk/bum slide in several places. Janice, Andrew (and Ian, their little guy) made the wise choice and took their leave of us after Edworthy.

We decided to leave the 'hillier' Calgary hikes for springtime after the ice has melted, although we're still going to do the Christmas Light walks.
