Club Events 2005 : 2005-01-02 : COC - Watridge Lake and Karst Spring

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Trip Log

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It was a glorious and beautiful winter day today - absolutely perfect. We set out to sunshine, clear blue skies and glowing snow-covered mountains, with temperatures somewhere around -10. As the day progressed and the sun dipped behind the mountains, the temperature dipped to -14, but there was no wind except for a bit right at Watridge Lake.

I cannot comment on the entire trip because, unfortunately, I had some asthma-related difficulties which prevented me from doing the whole thing. I did manage to get almost to the lake, where I ran into Jennifer on her way back and turned around then. I also ran into Tammy and Chris who were supposed to meet us at trailhead but had gotten lost trying to find the mountain, so we said 'hi' to them but didn't actually travel the day with them.

Most of the gang went past Watridge Lake all the way up to Karst Spring, which I hear was awesome, and hopefully we'll get some photos in from Barry and/or Mehran to prove that one. Dave also turned around early due to a broken snow shoe and caught up with Jennifer and I on the way down.

Many finished the day in our usual way... darkening the doorstep of the Kilkenny Pub.

-- Rhonda
