Club Events 2005 : 2005-08-15 : COC - Eiffel Lake/Wenkchemna Pass

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The weather forecast today was pretty iffy (as was Pudge's attitude) so we rendezvoused in Lake Louise where Frou-Frou, Crackers and I decided to forego the 20km Eiffel Lake/Wenkchemna Pass hike and go on up to Bow Glacier Falls (a nice 9km "rainy day hike") instead. Everyone else opted to go to Eiffel Lake/Wenkchemna Pass. I think it was because no one else could stomach the thought of spending the whole day with Crackers, but maybe that's just me...

Eiffel Lake/Wenkchemna Pass

We met at the Lake Louise Information Centre and decided that we would continue to Eiffel Lake and Wenkchemna Pass. The hike began with an incline for about 2km until we came to the Sentinel Pass fork. There were grey clouds, fog, and the mountains were not too visible. We were hopeful and we had an angel among us because the weather was good. As soon as we emerged from the trees, we saw beautiful mountains, Moraine Lake, and the Eiffel Lake up ahead. We weren't sure how far to go up the pass, but most made it to the ridge of the pass enjoying the views, while some of us stayed sheltered in the rocks and enjoyed a snack and well deserved rest. The sun came out and we saw blue sky make its way over the pass. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! Then, the best yet was awaiting a small carpool group of four. Not sure if anyone else was lucky to capture this moment, but on the drive back, my group and I got stuck in traffic on Hwy 1. We were thinking, more deer for the public to take pictures of, perhaps a car accident, but no, there were two grizzly bears walking next to the highway giving us glances as they walked towards the trees. One was smaller then the other, but they were cute! Their big paws moving forward one at a time - I guess they got sick of all the cars that pulled over because they disappeared into the trees soon after they passed our car. I will always carry my camera in the car from now on. But what a rush!! Thanks for everyone that came out, thanks to the Colonel for his help as well today, and see you next time!

Today’s hike was amazing! The weather didn’t look too promising, but only after 30 minutes of hiking, the clouds moved up and the ceiling was above the mountains. It remained pretty much cloudy throughout the day and we never got rained on.

Much of the climbing is at the beginning and at the end. Once you reach the junction between Sentinel Pass and Eiffel Lake trail, it is flat for a few kilometers. Once you pass Eiffel Lake, which isn’t that exciting compared to the view of the valley, you will climb a more technical pass. It is a rocky pass and a little bit a scrambling is required. I personally think that the views are simply amazing, but make sure to make it to the pass… you can see the peak of Assiniboine.

Thanks Sibel for taking over the hike, thanks to Susan and Ken for trying to teach me how to say Assiniboine properly, maybe one day I’ll get it right!

Charles The Colonel

Bow Glacier Falls

This is not a hike I would have ever chosen to do as a day trip from Calgary because, well, it's relative short (9km) and is not billed as anything really spectacular. As our substitute hike today, though, it was perfect, and I thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to do a great little hike that I might otherwise never have bothered with. It was overcast and foggy a lot of the time, and rained a little bit, but the views were beautiful (especially the mountains reflected in Bow Lake), the hike was easy, the falls were very impressive, and I was suffering from a serious case of wimpy-ass-itis. As I am still recovering from a nasty virus that knocked me down a couple weeks ago, plus I rollerbladed 25km yesterday, I was not at my most.... energetic today. I think I maybe even complained more than Glenn (if that's possible).

The hike is somewhat reminiscent of a much easier "Plain of Six Glaciers". You start off with a flat and EXTREMELY well-traveled lakeshore trail (a la Lake Louise). Past the lake, you travel along in a dry rocky riverbed (with the small river accompanying you), and then climb a series of "trail stairs", which is about the ONLY elevation gain on this hike. Beyond that is more dry rocky riverbed, and in the distance the glacier-capped mountain with the fantastic falls in the middle.

After, we hit Joe Btfsplk's in Banff for lunch/dinner, where we "enjoyed" some greasy diner food and then hit the Banff fudge store and candy store.

-- Pudge
