Club Events 2005 : 2005-11-15 : COC - Castle Lookout

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Ed and I decided that, even though it was just the two of us, we'd go out and do the hike anyway (after all, my only other choice was to go in to the office!). Driving out, the skies were very foggy/misty, and it looked really cold! We decided that we'd only go as far as we could, anticipating that it would be really windy.

Well, it turned out to be a fantastic day, mild temperatures and no wind at all. There was about 4cm of snow on the ground, but the trail had been hiked by someone before us, and it was easy hiking, with just a few small patches of ice here and there. We saw a coyote crossing the road, and a big buck deer bounding through the trees, a couple of squirrels, and one crazy spider who decided that he'd hang down in the middle of the trail from a single strand of web.

This is definitely an all-uphill hike on the way up (which is great, because it means an all-downhill hike on the way out) and Ed was forced to go up at my pace (cuz we all know I can't go up the hill at HIS pace). We couldn't see much on the way up, but the sky cleared by the time we were heading out and we were able to at least see across the valley. While we were up at the lookout, we heard about three loud booms - we figure they were avalanches on another side of the mountain.

What a fantastic way to spend a day!!

-- Rhonda
