Club Events 2006 : 2006-06-23 : COC - Galatea Creek - Slowpokes Only

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Despite sketchy looking weather as we approached K-Country, we had a beautiful day and a wonderful hike. Before setting out, my inner-Alissa predicted that each hiker would receive, on average, about 5 raindrops on their heads that day. We each got about 20, so although my estimate was off, it was not off enough that the rain really had anything to do with the day. This was my first time up to Galatea Lakes instead of stopping at Lilian Lake and it was great. We saw the biggest pile of fresh bear poo that I've seen to date, and there was a brief bout of nudity at Lilian until cold temps drove Bongo Ben back onto shore and into his clothing where he belonged. I think it was a toss-up between Brio (the dog) and Marc R as to who did the most frolicking throughout the day. I liked how Brio and Lisa dressed the same for the hike today.

-- Rhonda
