Club Events 2006 : 2006-09-30 : COC - Beginner Mountain Biking

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This was an awesome event! It was my fifth time on a bicycle since I was about twelve years old. Me, and three others were real 'beginners' and everyone else ranged in skill. We rode up to the 'top' of the trail on the highway, then we went down the trail... slowly. There were some really challenging parts, and a real variety of terrain. Marty gave us some instruction on braking and shifting, and some of the other experienced attendees helped out with advice and assistance as well. After we made it down to Paddy's Flat campground the first time, we stopped for something to eat. Then, we biked back up the trail (damn my legs - they were 'done' before I reached the top - I shouldn't have hiked to Sentinel Pass yesterday), and then down again, much faster the second time. Returning to Station Flats, we had some lunch there and were entertained by some whiskeyjacks who liked to sit on Rod's head (regardless of whether or not he'd put a snack up there). Cheers to Dave - hope carpooling back with Daria (with cow poo on her shoe) wasn't too bad!!

-- Rhonda
