Club Events 2011

2011-02-26 : ANDWA - Python-A-Thon

2011-03-24 : CCC - Sax MAN

2011-04-01 : COC and EOC - Emu Wrestling Sponsored by SPEWF (South Pambula Emu Wrestling Federation)

Thanks to everyone who came out to a great day of emu wrestling with The COC and The SPEWF (South Pambula Emu Wrestling Federation). Things couldn't have gone better as a festive and brightly dressed crowd gathered at the Pambula Flocking Grounds. Bright sun, cool breeze and the smells of emu and candy floss in the air are just the things to get your heart thumping.

Unfortunately, all of our club members were eliminated in the early rounds. There were some good, close matches but precious little success by any of our team. Our most hopeful player was Mandy, along with her crew - Alberta Champ Emu Dolly and her pet pitbull Fluffy – who made it well into the third round before being knocked out by the Latvian team. And let’s all give a hand to James VB whose submission loss was not as bad as it looks on paper. Dana had quite the posse with her including Patrice, Aiaiaiai, Uhbgsfdgh and GOLGHOAS, plus 13 puppies and Elephant Effie. It was great to see Uhbgsfdgh again – most of us hadn’t seen her since hiking at Wolf 562 c. We were all very grateful to Angela (who joined with CCC to spectate only – chicken) for bringing all those wet wipes!

It seems that Australian emus are tougher than those from our part of the world, and we are never to speak of the terrible incident between the red team and Jorinda’s guests, Huey, Dewey and Louie. Joni’s guest, Roadrunner, tried valiantly to step in and break up the carnage… but… oh, there we go talking about it again. Even Dave and Allie’s Emu Wranglers were no match.

We were sorry to miss out on carpooling in David M’s awesome new one-ton diesel truck with crew cab. Lucky Veronica and Jorinda were David’s first-ever carpool-ees. Next time, it’s our turn! Everyone was impressed with Randy’s private plane, too. We’ll have to convince him to start using that for carpool – he was kind of snobbish about it this time.

We'd like to thank The SPEWF for being such great hosts. The half-time show was terrific. The audience was completely wowed by the echidna juggler in particular.

We hope we can get another group going to the 49th annual World Championship next year. Everybody practice your head-locks.

Brent and Rhonda

2011-04-07 : EOC - River Valley spring ride.
Thank you for joining me on the River Valley Spring ride. As it was my first "solo" mission your were all great and fun to be with. I feel we all had a great time and looking back the hills weren't that bad. Brent, Rhonda, Maria, Josephine & Ben, everyone went that extra few kilometres off the map on our adventure up and over into Forrest heights, Thank you again for your sense of adventure. You can enjoy viewing photographs from the event by following:

2011-04-13 : EOC - Volunteer Meeting

2011-04-14 : ANDWA - Edmonton Restaurant Tour: Matahari

2011-04-16 : ANDWA - Yuk Yuks Edmonton, and CCC Piano MAN

2011-04-21 : EOC - Mill Creek Ride
A brave group ignored the earlier rain showers to meet on time (thank you) and enjoy what turned out to be a beautiful spring evening. Rhonda and David

2011-04-23 : COC - Deer Ridge Trail - Slow Pace
A surprising amount of snow left on the trails today, unusual for this time of year. Still, a great hike for spring shoulder season. Wonderful company and fun afternoon!

2011-04-24 : ANDWA - Potluck Easter Brunch at R&Bs; Calgary Pad

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