Club Events 2011 : 2011-08-10 : ECC - Durian in the Park

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You've heard of durians (or maybe you haven't?), and here's your big chance to try one without bringing it into your home (oy the smell!) or paying the frightfully high cost of buying a whole one of your own (they run up to $50/ea at T&T).

Join us in the park to try the stinkiest fruit known to mankind. The unusual flavour and odor of the fruit have prompted many people to express diverse and passionate views ranging from deep appreciation to intense disgust. The odor has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia. Food writer, Richard Sterling says "its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock". More information on Wikipedia.

In summer of 2009, Brent and Rhonda bought and tried a durian, chronicled in this fabulous video: Rhonda & Brent Eat a Durian. In summer of 2010, we bought a couple of them and hoodwinked our friends into coming over and trying it out with us (see photo above). Afterwards, we put what was left into the composter, and our neighbor ended up calling the gas company thinking they had a gas leak. This year, we would like to share the experience with you... if you think you're brave enough! The taste is much better than the smell... in fact, after her second try, Rhonda developed quite a taste for them and now loves them (Brent... not so much).

Bring your own beverage, and a snack to share. Anything mundane and edible welcome, but something more interesting and exotic to make our experience even that much more enjoyable would be great too.

OPTIONAL: If you would like your own "Durian in the Park" t-shirt (and who wouldn't?), please e-mail Rhonda to order. Cost is $30 (for t-shirt and printing), and I'll need to know your size. I'll have them made before the event to hand out at the event.

NOTE that our t-shirt order has already been placed for this year but you can STILL get one if you want by going to the Events section of our online store!

"Durian in the Park" turned into "Durian in the Condo" because of the conditions, but we had a great time! My apologies to Paul, who has a very keen sense of smell and nearly died of the experience. Everyone(who had never tried it before) at least tried a little bit, which made the event a tremendous success. But they didn't try TOO much which means I have lots left over and even MORE of a success.

Thanks to all who came out. What a fun time!

-- Rhonda
