Romantische Straße and the Mittelrhein : 2017-06-27 : Arrive Kelsterbach (Frankfurt)

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Notes Actions
Reminder Cancel Sixt? Cancel Sixt if it turns out we're not going to need it. E-mail with link to cancel should come back to inbox. I have NOT paid for the reservation - I chose the "pay later" option. $0.00
Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Cycle To Kelsterbach Today: 35km; Total: 1157km $0.00 35.00 35.00
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Bed and Breakfast Sascha Room 1 AirBnB Kelsterbach $216.00 3 Nights for Rhonda & Brent
Host: Sascha
Rüsselsheimer Str. 66 Gebäude, Kelsterbach, Hessen 65451, Germany
+49 176 4369 3569
Map and Directions
Zoom from AirBnB
Photos 1 | Photos 2
Bed and Breakfast Sascha Room 2 AirBnB Kelsterbach $187.00 3 Nights for Laura
Host: Sascha
Rüsselsheimer Str. 66 Gebäude, Kelsterbach, Hessen 65451, Germany
+49 176 4369 3569
Map and Directions
Zoom from AirBnB
Photos 1 | Photos 2

Trip Log

Notes Actions
Last night was my last night of sleeping on the “egg crate” sleeping pad thing. Worst gear mistake of this trip for me to bring one of those instead of my beloved down mat. I’ve had to fold it in three and keep pretty much the whole thing under my hips, leaving the rest of me on no sleeping pad at all just so my left hip doesn’t bother me too bad. Blah. Brent really likes his, and the advantage is that you don’t have to worry about it getting punctured. That’s why I brought it in the first place. But it doesn’t work for me at all.
On our 2015 tour, I decided that I needed a super-safe way to carry my ortho appliance. I’ve had it since I was a teenager, and it is the only thing that stands between me and endless, chronic headaches for the rest of my life. So, in 2015, I bought a bra with a zipper compartment in it where I carried the appliance. I called it the “boob safe”. It had its problems, specifically, lumpiness and acne-inducing properties.

For this tour, of course, I still needed a super-safe way to carry the appliance. I was planning on bringing the “boob safe” again, but at the last minute I found some awesome cycle shorts with little zip pockets on the back, so I brought two pairs of those instead. I call them, of course, the “butt safe”. They have worked out WAY better than the “boob safe”. They’re awesome bike shorts – way better than my old ones – and the little lump of the appliance that sticks out on my back is virtually invisible, especially when I have the Beaver Bag (my day pack) on. Yay for the “butt safe”!
We had a super easy ride to Kelsterbach today. Kelsterbach is a small town in between Frankfurt and the Frankfurt International Airport, so it’s super-handy for our last couple of days. Sometimes we have trouble remembering the names of places because we go through so many places, and lots of them have similar names. So, to help us remember, sometimes we “modify” the names. For example, the other day when we were going to be going through the towns of Unkel and then Erpel, so we started saying Uncle Erpel”. As a mnemonic, Laura has dubbed Kelsterbach “Cluster-F*ck”, although it is not remotely living up to that moniker – it’s a great little town and so far everything is going smoothly. We’re staying in an AirBnB place, which is always an adventure. The person who manages the AirBnB listing is not the person who met/greeted us, and our actual hostess’ English is a little limited, so it took us a few minutes to figure out what was going on.
Brent and Laura are doing a bunch of scheming and planning for how to get their bikes to the airport. I’m trying to figure out who to give my bike to. It’s always been my plan to give Dewie away at the end of this trip. She has too many “issues” to be worth bringing home. She got me through this tour, and did a great job, but she’s done now. Anyway, Brent and Laura are planning to ship their bikes home using DHL, instead of taking them on the flight. DHL is the national postal service in Germany, and their prices are amazing compared to other places. UPS wanted over E500 to ship a bike to Canada, but with DHL, it’s only E100. That’s $150 Canadian, which is exactly the same as taking it on the flight as luggage… only easier… we hope. The plan is to get bike boxes and take them to DHL, which is only a few blocks from our AirBnB. We would then bring the bikes over to DHL and pack them there and ship them directly. No fussing around with trying to get packed bikes someplace. Let’s hope that all goes well and doesn’t turn into a “Cluster-F*ck”.
