Club Events 2005

2005-01-22 : COC - Barrier Fire Lookout via Prairie View Trail
What started off with quite a bit of chaos turned out to be a fabulous day. First of all, the event was originally posted as a snow shoe on the new Canyon snow shoe trail, but due to rain and warm temperatures, our snow pack in Peter Lougheed was decimated, so the event was changed to a Prairie View Hike. Second, some of our group were supposed to go out to do some trail maintenance today with the Friends of Kananaskis, but that was cancelled due to road conditions on the Smith Dorrien. So, that group was invited to join us for our hike instead. All but one took us up on the invitation.

So, we had a fantastic day with some great Chinook winds (I hiked a good part of the day with my outer layers removed - I was in my shirt with the sleeves rolled up). The trail had some ice, some snow, some muck, and some slog. What does that mean? I don't really know, but whatever it is, we had plenty of it. The views more than made up for it anyway.

Nine hearty souls made it all the way to the lookout, with several more making it at least up to where the solar panel is. Five or so, who took their time enjoying the views on the way up (that's our story and we're stickin' to it), stopped once they reached the first good open area with a view down to Barrier Lake.

Rendezvousing back at the parking lot, we decided that we all needed to go buy lottery tickets because of three miraculous losses and recoveries:
- Corinne's hiking pole basket caught up with her via another hiker at carpool
- Ralph's right ice cleat caught up with him via Teresa at carpool
- Jeanne's left mitt caught up with her on the trail via Rhonda

A stellar day which, naturally, ended up with beer and wings at the Kilkenny.

-- Rhonda
PS... if anyone sees John, tell him he owes me $5 for the carpool arrangements...

2005-01-24 : COC - Korean at Royal Seoul
What a great time! Terrific food and a really fun bunch of people this eve.

What I didn't post in the event details is that tonight was a "face my fears" exercise. I only had Korean food once before. It was in Atlanta, and I went with a friend of mine (cheers to Mark Bentcover if he ever finds this web page) who is WAY more adventurous with food than I am. I made the mistake of letting him order for us both that eve, and aside from an unfortunate Chinese New Year incident back in '95, I haven't had a more traumatic dining experience.

So, I finally decided that I had to get over my Korean-Food-A-Phobia and tonight certainly did the trick. I had Bul Go Gi (stir fried beef), accompanied by Kimchi (spicy pickled cabbage) and other unidentified delectables. Unlike my experience in Atlanta, there was no paste with little bitty fish-heads in it, nor scary veiney gristly chicken soup to be found.

I think everyone else enjoyed their meals too, and Milena and Tomma enjoyed a bit of MY meal for me too. :)

-- Rhonda

2005-01-27 : COC - Movie Night - Hotel Rwanda

2005-01-29 : COC - Rawson Lake, and Barnburner
Rawson Lake Hike and Snow Shoe

As expected, conditions were um... "less than ideal" today. We made the best of it, though, and in spite of the icy trail and crusty snow, had a terrific day in the mountains. It had been raining, melting, and refreezing the whole week leading up to the day, so I guess we couldn't have expected any better. Some had ice cleats, some crampons, some yaktrax and some snow shoes, and we all had our special challenges and benefits. I'm sad to report, though, that some of the attendees discovered exactly why I recommend the icers from Lee Valley over yaktrax for mountain hikes. The yaktrax just cannot hold up in the conditions... there was plenty of slip-sliding around, which I and the other Icer-folk didn't have to deal with. The views at Upper K-Lake and Rawson Lake were stunning, as usual, and the warm temperatures made for a great opportunity to socialize and hang with Glenn and Jodi's group who caught up with us at the lunch spot.

-- Rhonda
International Folk Alliance Fundraising Barnburner

Cheryl, Steve and I got to the venue around 7PM, which was perfect timing for us to get a great parking spot, and a table and enough chairs for our whole group... and then sit, and wait.... and wait... and wait... The music was overall quite good and it was great to go out and support our local talent in their quest to go strut their stuff in Montreal. I liked "No Guff" quite a bit, Bill Bourne was awesome, and the Rembetika Hipsters, as usual were the highlight for me. Unfortunately we were "done" by the time they finished, and we left before the "second best band" (according to one Hipster) came on... some kind of Bluegrass type thing (which I would have loved to see).

-- Rhonda

2005-01-31 : COC - FREE Movie at Cardel: Logan's Run

2005-02-03 : COC - Ice Skating in Calgary

2005-02-05 : COC - Hummingbird Plume Lookout and Troll Falls

2005-02-08 : COC - Beginner Belly Dancing

2005-02-09 : COC - Beginner Aerobic Funk (Funk/Hip Hop) "Beautiful", Snoop Dogg

2005-02-10 : COC - Pool at Stix

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